Next Xbox One Backwards-Compatible Game Arrives

The Xbox One's backwards compatibility program continues to grow. Yet again this week another title will be added to the list and that game is none other than Dead Space.

Batman: Arkham HD Collection to be released?

Eurogamer reports that the Batman HD Collection will go on sale June 10, with preorders opening tomorrow, April 19. If that is indeed the case, an official announcement may be imminent.

Play Expo 2016 Tickets - Available Now!

Tickets to PLAY Expo Blackpool are on sale now from our preferred ticket agent Eventbrite. You can choose single day or weekend pass options and the popular family pass is also available. Get the link here!

Dark Souls 3 is two DLC packs and a season pass

The Australian Xbox store has let slip a few unannounced Dark Souls 3 details. For starters, the game will launch alongside a season pass, which grants access to two DLC packs.

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Look back at Double Dragon

Mike takes a look back at the revered Double Dragon which has graced all most every platform around.

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge for PS3/360

Tecmo Koei have made an announcement stating that Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge is to be released on PS3 and Xbox 360. The game was previously a launch title game on the Wii U. The title will hit shelves on April 2nd in North America and April 5th in Europe and will be available retail or digital download through PSN or XBL. Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge is a port of the PS3 and Xbox 360's Ninja Gaiden 3. The game was polished up and improved adding new fautures from weapons to new characters. The PS3 and Xbox 360 version will also contain new content.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Borderlands to be 2k's biggest game?

2k's latest shooter and hugely popular sequel to its 2009 hit with the same name is currently set to be the company’s biggest earner of all time. Borderlands 2 is about to hit the 6 million mark for games sold and is easily in line to smashing 2'ks games previous sales records.
Reported in yesterday’s financials call, the CEO of Take-two Mr Strauss Zelnick that Borderlands 2 was the company’s biggest earner in terms of digital sales across the fiscal year. Strauss Zelnick is also quoted as saying “Building on its extraordinary Launch in September, Borderlands 2 continues to expand its audience and remains on pace to become the highest –selling title in 2k's history,”
So What’s your opinions on Borderlands 2 is it one of the best games of 2012 or did you find it just another run of the mill shooter either way with sales like this you can pretty much guarantee that this will not be the last game to carry the borderlands flag.

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Games in development for so long

Review’s are in for Aliens: Colonial Marines and it seems the game has failed. This has been one of my most anticipated games this year. I remember over five years ago (before AVP) when it was announced on Ps2 how excited i was for this game. Yet its just a let down. Now i know what you're thinking, i should give the game a try myself. But at £40 a pop can i afford to give the game a chance. Can i not expect a decent game that’s playable for my cash? It seems to be a growing trend that games that take so long to be developed just seem to go with the motions and suffer from all the gaming cliches. First there was Duke Nukem and now Aliens: CM, and yes both are Gearbox games the same team that fetched us the wonderful Borderlands series. In these games there have been complaints of glitches, textures not loading, ai team mates just standing there staring into space and game breaking freezes where you will need to start the game again.

Duke Nukem is a prime example of lazy development although i guess they can be forgiven for how many times the game has stop and started. Duke Nukem was being made for 12 years and i that is where the problem is. When i game is designed on a last gen system surely it would be better to start again with fresh new ideas and keep up with competition rather than use age old ideas that have been done to death and just plant HD textures over the old graphics. There are many examples of games Too Human, Two Worlds, Final Fantasy XIII (yes i hate it!) that suffer from repetitive gameplay, bad graphics, boring storylines and glitches galore. What i'm getting at here is if your gonna take your time on these games start from scratch don't start with the basis and keep that idea all the way through development. Go back to the drawing board, start again if needs be, Capcom did it with Resident Evil 4 and look how that turned out. So if you're reading...Valve, Sega please make Shenmue 3 and Half Life 3 at least approachable and if things aren’t looking good, start again and don’t just try to rush the games out cos you need money. Good games are what keeps the gamers coming and that is something the fans won’t be doing for the next Aliens game.​

Published scores:

Games TM - 4/10: "Mechanically, the game functions, but the fun of the Aliens universe is quickly drained away by what amounts to a mundane shooting gallery through a drab and lifeless world." - 5/10: (Translated) "We expected a lot from this project. And unfortunately, our disappointment was all the greater."