Hello everybody! It's me Liam giving you a quick site update! This has took quiet a bit of time to get back into the groove as it's been hard recently to find the time to do the site. Things seem to be getting there all though the new website isn't totally up and running yet. Content will be uploaded more often these days as it will be done on the move quiet alot through the Blogger app. Before Blogger the site was run through Wix and me and Mike decided best to move over to a new host but we just never found the time to get things working right or even migrate all the stuff from Wix over. This still isn't the case as there is tonnes to shift over and it will be a gradual process. The look of the site is nailed down now and everything has foundation laid for future developments to start up once again. I'm looking to incorporate the forum back in the near future and also include a members area. That's just a start though and hopefully it will be service resumed once videos are being made, then maybe we can look at Podcasting again! So yeah i'd like to thank anyone for their patience and hopefully you wont be too disgruntled from our little hiatus!
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